The island of Hankø is located in the southeastern part of Norway at the Oslo Fjord, close to the Swedish boarder. Fredrikstad is the closest city and is only a 20min drive away.
Sailing distance to Hankø:
Oslo: 45nm
Gothenburg: 100nm
Copenhagen: 220nm
Transportation of boats to Hankø:
The Norwegian X-35 class association is in contact with student sailing organizations which can assist with transportation of boats. Please contact Amund Hosoien,, for more information.
Driving distance to Hankø:
Oslo: 96km
Gothenburg: 220km
Copenhagen: 536km
Stockholm: 530km
When using an electronic routing tool (such as a GPS or an internet map service) the address “Vikaneveien 405, Gressvik” will give the position of the parking lot at Vikane, just by the berth for the Hankø ferry.
Recommended internet map service, in English, with routing tool:
Color Line ferries
Color Line ferries are running from Kiel to Oslo and from Hirtshals (Denmark) to Larvik (Norway). For more information on the Color Line ferries, visit their website at
Bus transport from Oslo Airport Gardemoen to Fredrikstad offers bus departures once every hour from Oslo Airport to Fredrikstad
(duration: 2 hours)
Car service from Oslo Airport Gardermoen to Hankø
Oslo Chauffeur Service:
Business Car Service:
All services are payable by credit card through bank terminal in the car. Booking arrangements can be made by phone or e-mail.